Master ESP32 LED with Touch Sensor using ESP-IDF: Menuconfig and Code Implementation Explained



Hello, fellow tech enthusiasts! If you’re on a mission to conquer the world of IoT and embedded systems, you’re in for a treat today. We’re about to embark on an exciting journey into the realm of ESP32 microcontrollers, where we’ll unravel the magic of LED control with a touch sensor, all explained step by step using ESP-IDF. Whether you’re 18 or 30 or any other age group, this in-depth tutorial is tailor-made to transform you into a pro in the world of embedded systems. So, grab your ESP32 board and let’s dive into this electrifying adventure!

Unveiling ESP32 and ESP-IDF

Before we immerse ourselves in the world of LED control and touch sensors, let’s get acquainted with our key players:

  • ESP32: The ESP32, born from the genius minds at Espressif Systems, is a versatile microcontroller that has taken the IoT world by storm. Its capabilities span far and wide, making it an ideal choice for your next project.
  • ESP-IDF: The ESP32 IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF) is the official development platform for the ESP32. It’s packed with tools and libraries to help you build applications that run seamlessly on this powerful microcontroller.

Why Touch Sensor and LED Control?

You might wonder why we’re starting with a touch sensor and LED control. Here’s why:

1. Real-world Relevance: Touch sensors are everywhere! From smartphones to kitchen appliances, they’re part of our daily lives. Mastering touch sensor interfacing opens doors to countless real-world applications.

2. Learning Curve: This project introduces you to crucial concepts like GPIO configuration, touch sensor integration, and LED control. It’s a solid foundation for more complex projects.

3. Instant Gratification: There’s something magical about touching a sensor and witnessing a reaction. It’s instant and gratifying, providing immediate feedback and a sense of accomplishment.

4. Versatility: Once you grasp the basics, you can scale up your projects. Imagine creating touch-sensitive smart switches, interactive displays, or even musical instruments.

Circuit diagram of LED with Touch Sensor

circuit diagram of LED with Touch sensor in esp idf | Innovate Yourself

Setting Up Your Environment for LED with Touch Sensor

Let’s kick things off by ensuring you have the right tools and software in place:

  1. Install ESP-IDF: Head to Espressif’s official documentation for a comprehensive guide on setting up ESP-IDF on your machine. Don’t worry; they’ve got you covered!
  2. Choose Your IDE: Select a code editor or integrated development environment (IDE) that suits your style. Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO is a popular choice.
  3. Hardware Check: Connect your ESP32 board to your computer using a trusty USB cable. Make sure your ESP32 has a stable power source, too.

Troubleshooting Tips for LED with Touch Sensor

Now, let’s address some common hiccups that might come your way during setup and coding:

1. Driver Drama: If your computer doesn’t recognize your ESP32, it could be a driver issue. Check the Espressif website for ESP32 drivers and install them to smoothen things out.

2. Port Predicament: When flashing your project ( -p PORT flash), ensure you’ve specified the right port for your ESP32. It typically looks like /dev/ttyUSB0 on Linux or COMX on Windows.

3. Permission Perplexity: On Linux, you might wrestle with permission problems when accessing the serial port. Use the sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER command to add your user to the dialout group, and don’t forget to log out and back in.

4. Pin Pointing Problems: Always double-check your GPIO pin configurations, both in the menuconfig menu and your code. A small mistake here can result in LED confusion.

5. Library Labyrinth: If you stumble upon errors complaining about missing libraries or dependencies, double-check your ESP-IDF installation. Make sure you’ve installed everything as per the guidelines.

Unveiling the Code Logic for LED with Touch Sensor

Now, let’s demystify the logic behind the code that brings LED control with a touch sensor to life:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"

void app_main(void)
    gpio_set_direction(GPIO_NUM_5, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
    gpio_set_direction(GPIO_NUM_22, GPIO_MODE_INPUT);

    while (1)
            gpio_set_level(GPIO_NUM_5, 1);
            gpio_set_level(GPIO_NUM_5, 0);

Let’s break down the provided code snippet and understand each section:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"

Here, we include necessary libraries and headers:

  • <stdio.h>: This is the standard input/output library in C, which provides functions like printf.
  • "driver/gpio.h": This header file is used to work with GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins on the ESP32.
  • "freertos/FreeRTOS.h": This header file is for using the FreeRTOS (Real-Time Operating System) functions and features.
  • "freertos/task.h": This header file is specifically for managing tasks in FreeRTOS.
void app_main(void)

This line declares the app_main function, which serves as the entry point for our program running on the ESP32.

    gpio_set_direction(GPIO_NUM_5, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
    gpio_set_direction(GPIO_NUM_22, GPIO_MODE_INPUT);

In this section, we configure the GPIO pins:

  • gpio_set_direction(GPIO_NUM_5, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);: This line configures GPIO pin number 5 (represented by GPIO_NUM_5) as an output pin. This pin will be used to control an external device like an LED.
  • gpio_set_direction(GPIO_NUM_22, GPIO_MODE_INPUT);: This line configures GPIO pin number 22 (represented by GPIO_NUM_22) as an input pin. This pin will be used to read the state of a sensor or switch. It’s important to configure the pin direction correctly, so the ESP32 knows whether it’s reading or controlling the pin.
    while (1)
        if (gpio_get_level(GPIO_NUM_22))
            gpio_set_level(GPIO_NUM_5, 1);
            gpio_set_level(GPIO_NUM_5, 0);


This is the main part of the code, which runs in an infinite loop (while (1)) and continuously monitors the state of GPIO pin 22 and controls GPIO pin 5 accordingly.

  • if (gpio_get_level(GPIO_NUM_22)): This condition checks the state of GPIO pin 22. If the pin is in a high (1) state, it means the condition is true, indicating that some external event (e.g., a button press or sensor activation) has occurred.
  • gpio_set_level(GPIO_NUM_5, 1);: If the condition is true (GPIO 22 is high), this line sets GPIO pin 5 to a high state (1). This action might, for example, turn on an LED connected to pin 5.
  • else: If the condition is not true (GPIO 22 is low), the code inside the else block is executed.
  • gpio_set_level(GPIO_NUM_5, 0);: In this case, GPIO pin 5 is set to a low state (0). This might turn off the LED or perform some other action depending on your circuit.
  • vTaskDelay(10);: After either turning the LED on or off, the code introduces a 10 milliseconds delay using vTaskDelay(10);. This delay prevents rapid, unintended changes in the LED state and allows for smoother processing.

This code effectively creates a loop where the state of GPIO 22 is continuously monitored, and the state of GPIO 5 is adjusted based on the state of GPIO 22. It’s a simple example of using input and output pins on the ESP32 for basic control applications.

Creating a New Project for LED with Touch Sensor

To start your touch-sensitive LED control project, follow these steps:

# Create a new directory for your project
mkdir esp32_touch_led
cd esp32_touch_led

# Initialize the project create-project

Using Menuconfig for LED with Touch Sensor

ESP-IDF’s menuconfig tool lets you easily configure project settings. Access it with: menuconfig

Here, you can customize various settings, including Wi-Fi credentials, serial port configurations, and more. For our touch-sensitive LED project, focus on the GPIO pin configuration and touch pad selection.

  • menuconfig for led blinking in esp idf | Innovate Yourself
  • menuconfig for led blinking in esp idf | Innovate Yourself

Uploading and Testing Your Code

Once your code is ready, it’s time to upload and test it on your ESP32 board. Follow these steps:

# Build the project build

# Flash the project to your ESP32 board -p PORT flash
  • github repository for LED Blinking using esp-idf | Innovate Yourself
  • github repository of controlling led with touch sensor in esp idf | Innovate Yourself


You can find the touch sensor code in the Touch_Sensor_ESP32.c and for any confusion you can refer to LED Blinking blog.


And there you have it! You’ve just embarked on an exciting journey into the world of ESP32 microcontrollers, exploring the power of touch sensors and LED control using ESP-IDF. With this foundation, you’re well on your way to creating innovative IoT projects and becoming a true pro in the realm of embedded systems. So, go forth and tinker, experiment, and bring your ideas to life. The world of IoT is yours to conquer! 🌟🤖

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Stay tuned and Happy Learning. ✌🏻😃
Happy tinkering! ❤️🔥

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