In this blog, you will learn,
- How to create an app for microsoft teams?
- How to integrate Rasa Chatbot to Microsoft teams?
Now, let’s start the project for the integration of rasa chatbot to Microsoft teams. Before start creating an app for Microsoft teams, you should have a chatbot with you that is alive(may be on the server or through ngrok). You can use your already existing project or create a new project and start integrating it to the Microsoft teams. Also, you can download the code from my Git Repository or you can start learning to create Rasa chat from here.
Creating an app for Microsoft Teams
To integrate the Rasa chatbot on Microsoft Teams, firstly we will have to create and application on MS teams so that we can setup and install our app on MS teams to talk to the bot.
- Firstly make sure that you have MS teams installed on your system. Then open MS teams and login through the Microsoft credentials. Once you are logged in you can see the “Apps” icon on the bottom left on the application, just click on it.
- In the search bar, search for the “App Studio” and click on it. Then a pop up window will open asking you to create it or to open it if you have already created it before.
- Now, a new window will appear, go to “Manifest editor” and select “Create a new app”.
- Now fill the app details as shown here in the image.
- Now, go to Bots and setup the endpoint for the rasa chatbot which is alive and ready to talk to. Here you will get the app_id and app_password(after generating), that you need to setup in the credentials.yml file of the rasa chatbot. After you will add the credentials you will have to rerun the rasa application to take the changes to effect.
- Here you have to setup the endpoint, and the endpoint should be the SSL certified, and it will be of this format,
https://<domain-name>/webhooks/botframework/webhook - Once you have added the endpoint, just verify it. If it is verified successfully that means you chatbot alive and have established the successful connection and we are good to go.
- Now go to Test and distribute. Here on the right side you will get the description. If it is empty that means everything is proper and now you can download the app and install it.
- Now Click on download to download the app.
- Once you have downloaded the app, now go to apps again and you will notice and option “Upload a customised app“, click on it and select “Upload for my org“. Now select the file that you just downloaded to install it.
- It will install the app and take you inside the app. So here you are, you have successfully setup the application successfully.
- Here you can now talk to the bot that you just setup.
integrate Rasa Chatbot to Microsoft teams
In the above steps we have successfully setup everything that is needed to integrate the rasa chatbot to MS teams. The last is left, i.e., how will you add the credentials to the rasa chatbot. To do that go to your Rasa project and open credentials.yml and add the microsoft credentails in the given way.
botframework: app_id: "<app-id-you-get-for-bot>" app_password: "<app-password-you-get-for-bot>"
Once you add the credentials, rerun the rasa chatbot server to take the changes effect.
Check out our video for more info and clarification,
Time to wrap up now. Hope you liked our content on How to integrate Rasa chatbot on Microsoft Azure. See you in our next blog, thanks for reading our blog and do leave a comment below to help us improve the content to serve you all of our experience with you. Stay tuned with us for more Rasa Chatbot contents.
Also check out our other playlist Rasa Chatbot, Internet of things, Docker, Python Programming, etc.
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