In this session, you will learn,
1. How to create an account on Google Cloud Platform for free
2. How to create a VM instance
Unlike the previous blogs, in this blog you will learn how to deploy your rasa chatbot live on a global server(Google Cloud Platform). For that first we need an account on google cloud platform.
How to create an account on Google Cloud Platform
Firstly let’s create an account on GCP. Usually it’s a paid service but no worries GCP also gives a free trail worth $300 for 1 year. Which means you can learn everything for free and the only thing that is needed is the presence of mind and focus, that’s it. To create an account click here.
On the above link you will see a button “Get started for free” you have to click on it to create an account. Login with a gmail account and enter the details.
Once you will fill all the details and click on “Start free trail“, then you will have a GCp account created successfully. Now click on “go to console” and you will be taken to the dashboard of your GCP account as shown here:
How to create a VM instance
After that go to Navigation menu > Compute Engine , here you will see the list of VM instances if you are a returning user otherwise you will get an option as Create instance, click on that to create a new instance to deploy your rasa chatbot inside that. check the images below to understand how to create a VM instance,
Now that we finally have a GCP account and also we have successfully created our first instance. Now let’s proceed and deploy our rasa chatbot live on to the VM instance that we just created.
To install Rasa X on the VM instance first we must have the remote access to the VM instance so that we can make changes to it even locally. For that check the list of instances and the one that you just created and click the arrow beside SSH to select View gcloud command which will pop up a window showing the gclound command that you have to run on your local system to remotely access the instance and to deploy Rasa X in it as shown here:
Now copy the shown command and run on the terminal on your local system as a root user. To run it as a root user run the given command first,
sudo su
Now as you have got the remote access to the VM instance, now it’s time to run multiple commands to install rasa x on to the VM instance on GCP(google cloud platform). Run the given commands one by one,
curl -sSL -o install.sh https://storage.googleapis.com/rasa-x-releases/0.32.2/install.sh
sudo bash ./install.sh
cd /etc/rasa
sudo docker-compose up -d
sudo python rasa_x_commands.py create --update admin me InnovateYourself
With the above commands you have now successfully installed the Rasa X on to the VM instance successfully. Now verify it by running the IP address of the VM instance in new tab on your browser as shown here,
From the above images you can now see how easily you have deployed Rasa X on Google Cloud Platform. For more clarification you can also check this video to understand it better.
Now we have successfully installed Rasa X to the GCP VM instance but right now we don’t have any data for our rasa chatbot so that shall be linked through the git repository and to explain it better I’ll write a separate blog for it to clear all your concepts.
For any doubts or queries related to the Deployment of rasa chatbot to Google Cloud Platform, feel free to leave a comment below in the comment section. Also, do comment your valuable feedback to appreciate us. For any further information or queries, you can also WhatsApp me at +91 8209829808.
Stay tuned and happy learning. 😉